Success or Significance?

In 1960, a 20-year study of graduate students was begun. The study compared two groups of people depending upon how they answered this question:

"Should I focus first on financial security, and then pursue what is fulfilling to me? Or should I follow my interests, and trust that money will eventually follow?"

83% of the people in the study decided that making money should come first in order to create the opportunity to pursue their true interests. It's a decision that most of us make when we face reality.

But as time goes by, we may find that a growing dissatisfaction with our work settles in. And we begin to question the validity of our decisions.

Perhaps you've asked yourself...

"Should I continue working in a business or career that provides little satisfaction... because it pays the bills? Or have I reached a point in my life that it's time do something significant?"

Looking back at the two groups of graduate students, during the study an amazing pattern emerged. After 20 years, 101 of them were millionaires. Only 1 of them came from the group that decided to put making money first. The other 100 millionaires all came from the small group (17%) that decided that their true interests were worth pursuing first.

Now most of us aren't necessarily seeking to become millionaires, but isn't that precisely the point? Doing work that is personally fulfilling for you has a much greater likelihood of producing an outcome that includes financial security.

In other words, you can have both significance and success.

Are You Doing Fulfilling Work That Makes an Impact?

As a Total Integration™ Coach, you'll have an amazing opportunity to work with small businesses to improve the lives and the results of the people connected to them.

Imagine coaching a small business owner through making critical changes in the way he or she operates, and discovering that their personal relationships become healthier as a result!


Actually, this is typical of the outcomes our coaches facilitate! Why? The Total Integration™ Program is founded on the simple principle that everything in our lives is connected to everything else. When a business owner, professional, or entrepreneur becomes a better leader at work, every aspect of their lives improve.

Talk about impact!

"For [the clients] to tell me that there's been a significant improvement — and I know it because I hear it in their voices... an excitement that they didn't have before — that, I would say, is the most rewarding thing. People literally being transformed in a visible, tangible way."

Jeff Timpanaro, Total Integration™ Consultant

Why Total Integration™?

Our clients choose Total Integration™ because it is a world class system of business development tools. Together, these tools combine into a powerful, proven way of winning in today's information economy. We take collaboration and working smart to a whole new level.

As a licensed Total Integration™ Coach or Consultant, you will have access to this systemized toolkit that includes:

We've spent the past 7 years honing these tools so that professionals like you can take them and deliver stunning results for all types of organizations. We even give you clients!

How does Total Integration™ work?

Our approach to business development is powerful, simple and effective. Most clients — the people you'll be coaching — start off by using our revolutionary productivity software: TI MasterPlan™.

Many will then move into one of our two coaching programs:

TI Executive Program™

The Total Integration Executive Program™ is for business owners and organizational leaders. It includes 5 one-hour, one-on-one system-building sessions per month. In this program, you lead your clients through the process of building systems that drive key performance in each of the 12 axiomatic areas of business performance:

  • SalesTI Overview
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Vision
  • Management
  • Teamwork
  • Recurring Income
  • Market Position
  • Process Equity
  • Strategic Planning
  • Customer Service
  • Leadership

TI Productivity Suite™

The Total Integration Productivity Suite™ is for professionals (entrepreneurs, VPs, managers), and includes 3 one-hour, one-on-one performance training sessions per month. In this program, you lead your clients through the keys to productivity and strategy: time, money, leadership, and people skills. You help them build processes that align their values with their goals, tying vision to action with accountability.

Both programs rely heavily on the TI MasterPlan™ to organize and drive objectives.

This is just a taste... I invite you to allow me to show you in more detail.

Could This Opportunity Be For You?

We are looking for select professionals who are ready to leverage their own business experience and expertise — side by side with our robust set of tools — to bring about balance, focus, and financial success to business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs. You've got the skills, we have the delivery system.

Ready to find out more?

I want to show you all the details about the process of becoming a Total Integration™ Consultant, including exactly how you earn money.

In fact, I'd like to offer you a free gift. We've prepared a free audio download that takes you inside the world of being a Total Integration™ coach.

After you've had the opportunity to listen to the download (which includes interviews with actual Total Integration™ Consultants) and learn more about the business side of this unique opportunity, I invite you to be my personal guest on an upcoming webinar. During that time, you and I will have the opportunity to get acquainted and I can personally answer your questions.

I look forward to showing you all the details!

Best Regards,
Eric J. Beck, Founder
Total Integration™ Program

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